I don’t know about you but offense is a constant struggle to
overcome. Here’s a few examples of times
I’ve recently dealt with offense:
Another woman in the aisle has her shopping cart in the
way, totally blocking me from viewing the items I need to see.
I hear that someone was gossiping about me.
I’m driving and someone honks their horn, speeds up, passes
me and gives me “the bird.”

What I’ve noticed
this last week, more than any other is that God is bringing those times of
offense to my blatant attention. It has
been so obvious when I am about to receive an attitude of offense, that it is
almost as if time is slowing down for just that moment for me to decide.
“Am I choosing to be offended, angry, irritated,
and bitter or am I choosing to forgive, let it go, extending grace and
So here’s my
testimony, that God has been so good to me to reveal
these potential offenses, making me more aware of the attitudes I’m receiving. I’d like to say, “I’ve overcome and that
nothing anyone says or does to me causes me to become bitter and offended. That I let everything just slide off my back.”
–But I’m afraid that I’m still a work in progress. Thank you God for helping me become more
aware of the choice of offense.
When you are faced
with the choice of offense, what will you choose?
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